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Kseniya K.
- Kobieta, 23 lata
- Pełny etat, Część etatu, Dorywczo
- Doświadczenie: 1-2 lata
- Wynagrodzenie:
- Wola, gm. Reszel, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie
- Potwierdzony adres e-mail
przetłumacz na język polski
In 2021 i finished my education in High school of manegment and leadership.
I have two years of experience working with children.I look after the children of a neighbour in Belarus (3 and 8 years). I worked as a counselor at a summer camp for kids (Take care of children, keep them safe and clean.Organize creative, educational activities (dancing,reading, painting and signing). Strolls, sport, games.Feeding, tidy up play areas and children’s room.Compliance with the daily routine.) For 2 years I was a volunteer in the International Organization UNICEF (Organization of active, creative and educational
activities, communication with children and their parents.). I taught children dance, non-verbal communication, drawing.
I have experience working with children
aged 5-16. I helped organise inclusive events for children. know different educational games, creative activities. I can find a
common language and be friends with
children. I’m patient,punctial and energetic.
Physically strong. Absence of criminal and
administrative offenses. Non-smoker/vape/
nikotine user. I have healthy habbits. I’m
interested in cinematography, art, photo,
content creating, dancing.
Bellow I attach a linl to my CV
- Możliwa opieka w domu niani
- Możliwa opieka w domu rodzica
- Możliwa praca z zamieszkaniem
- Doświadczenie w pracy z bliźniakami
- Doświadczenie w pracy z dziećmi niepełnosprawnymi
- Niepaląca/y
- Obecność zwierząt
- Prawo jazdy
- Możliwe zajęcia on-line
- Poniżej 1 roku życia
- 1 - 3 lat
- 3 - 6 lat
- 6 - 12 lat
- Powyżej 12 lat
- Spacery
- Kreatywność
- Muzyka
- Sporty
- Porządki
- Sprzątanie
- Zakupy
- Pranie
- Gotowanie
- Średnie
- High School №161
I have a knowledge of first aid, creative abilities.
I speak Russian (C2), English (B2) and some polish (A1).
Cooking and baking; organizational skills; competent speech
I have a certificate of transmitted covid.